

Delogix is a limited company under German law with headquaters in Cologne. It is registered in the Commercial Register of the Cologne District Court under the numer HRB 34694

Responsibility according to the German law under article 6 MDStV & 6 TGD is held by

Postal Address: Delogix GmbH | Karolingerring 31 | 50678 Cologne | Germany

Phone: +49 (0)221 294 384 94

Email: Internet :

The VAT identification number of Delogix GmbH, Cologne, is DE 213 781 755.

BIC-Code: COLSDE33 IBAN: DE68370501980043452960

Legal notice: Delogix GmbH continuously checks and updates the information on its website. Despite all care, data may have changed. A liability or guarantee for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the information provided can not be assumed. The same applies to all other websites via hyperlinks. Delogix GmbH is not responsible for the content of websites which are reached through links form its own website.

Furthermore, Delogix company reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information provided.

The content and the structure of these sites are protected. The reproduction of information or data, in pparticular the use of texts, text parts or pictures requires the prior consent of Delogix company.